
  • Mindfulness is something that you can weave into every facet of life; especially mindful speaking and mindful listening. Today I went to the chocolate shop with my friend. Don't worry, I will not mention delicious chocolates and desserts I have seen there to you. It is another love story 💜🙃This evening, with the aim of trying not to eat all of them, I decided to improve my mindful communication skills. 🙈I practiced mindful listening, really listening with no distraction. I tried to look my friend in the eye, hear what she said (without reacting or interrupting) and just let her express herself and her feelings in a gentle silence. I discovered that it was not easy not to be an interrupter. Most of us get so excited and begin vomiting our thoughts all over the person trying to speak. I’ve been practicing with this for years because of my job. I do better but still have plenty of room for improvement. My mindful listening exercise without eating, drinking and interrupting the conversation seemed to be successful. In this way, I realized that I could feel her emotions more inside me and I enjoyed the deepening of her speech. Mevlana says that: "Not the ones speak the same language, but the ones share the same emotions can understand each other.” I have experienced this one more time tonight and I felt lucky 🙏🏻 I express my gratittude to all my friends who bring my life meaningfullness and happiness. Love you guys 😍💕#mindfuldayeveryday #mindfulevening#mindfullife #mindfuliving #mindfullistening#mindfulcommunication #mindfulmoments#chocolateshop#listeningwithoutdistraction #frienshipgoals#mevlana #feelinglucky

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