
While working on my third chakra today, I came across this poem written by Zenju E.Manuel. It was an interesting coincidence because third chakra is about personal power and self-esteem. If we have a high self-esteem, we realize that the discomfort we already have is an opportunity to take on the responsibilities involved. If we have a high personal power, we can act in the direction of our foresights. Otherwise we feel weak and make all the lifetime choices with fear of failing so we can't quit from our comfort zone even it destroys our soul. Because guidance of foresight gives motivation and passion about work, but doesn't guarantee to be safe. Nevertheless life leads us to same learning cycles where we may feel more discomfort each time unless we run the risk of leaving our comfort and safety zone. We need to decide: Will we make choices that feeds our souls or will we undermine our own power with the elections against our souls? 🦋🍃🌔👣No one can guide you into your dark moist interior,where the moss has grown in layers,where bamboo could sink itself into you,creating private places.Your innermost earth has no words,so it will not call you.
No, the deep does not speak, think, or take action,It mysteriously leads you,if you will let it,to familiar rhythms played within.
Eventually, you will go unafraidinto your life.feeling into the dark, without doubt thatyour heart is open.
#zenjuearthlynmanuel #mindfuliving#thirdchakra #personalpower #selfesteem#mindfulmoments #foresight#discomfortisanadventure#leavingcomfortzone #believeinyourself#dowhatyoudesire #takeyourresponsibility#fearoffailure #paragliding #babadag#fethiye #mein2009 #tbt🔙

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